Q. What does Breakthrough Do?
A. Breakthrough holds two separate contracts with Washington state. One contract is with Division of Developmental Administration (DDA). This is a Licensed Residential Services contract (LSR). Residents placed in these homes qualify for DDA services and are voluntarily placed by their legal guardians. The other contract is with Washington State Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS). This is a Behavioral Rehabilitation Services (BRS) contract. Residents placed in BRS homes have extreme emotional and behavioral issues related to their history of abuse, neglect, trauma, and diagnosis.
We dedicate each home location to either DDA or BRS residents--not both. Up to five residents live in each home, and each resident has their own bedroom. Each home is staffed 24/7 with staff rotations; staff do not live onsite. Staff are trained to use evidence-based models to provide the most effective interventions. Breakthrough has chosen to provide homes for residents rather than a facility. This makes it possible to provide highly structured services in an environment that promotes a home setting, making the transition back to family or foster care a more lateral one.
Q. How does Breakthrough measure success?
A. When people ask us this, they are typically looking for statistics. However, we measure success on an individual basis. As with everything part of our program, we look at each child individually. When measuring success, we reflect on the treatment goals and interventions, and we consider every small step along the way a success!
Q. How are kids placed in Breakthrough programs and homes?
A. Residents in our DDA programs are voluntarily placed through the DDA system. Residents go through a qualification process with DDA and are then referred to our programs.
Residents placed in our BRS programs are placed by their Washington state social worker and their region's group care coordinator.
Q. What does Breakthrough staff do?
A. Great question! Staff are trained to use evidence-based models and skills to process with residents through daily issues that arise. These tools are built into everything staff do throughout their shift to provide constant and consistent treatment. Likewise, skills are used during specific treatment events, as well as throughout the day while staff engage the kids in daily activities. A significant piece of treatment is Breakthrough staff engaging residents in “normative” types of daily activities. We use our tools to help residents internalize and build their own skill sets, whether that be to gain more independent skills or to gain safety skills to move into a less restrictive setting.
Throughout any given shift, staff will assist residents with daily living skills, independent living skills, social skill building, occupational and speech skills, community inclusion activities, and any daily or event activities that support growth of the resident. Breakthrough staff assist residents with various needs, from basic needs of daily self-care to more progressed assistance with independent living skills. We serve all kids and tailor their treatment plans and positive support interventions to their needs.