Breakthrough's low youth-to-staff
ratio ensures that our participants receive adequate time,
attention, and structure to reach their goals.
We use a proven, successful program model with both DDA and BRS clients that emphasizes the importance of learning and applying appropriate social skills. We teach youths responsible behavior, accountability, work ethic, and family communication skills.
We find resources and work with professionals who understand clinical and behavioral approaches. As a team, we develop a plan, build strong communication, demonstrate improvement, and develop real-world goals for each participant.
Individualized Treatment
Breakthrough provides hands-on care by highly trained staff members who follow a detailed treatment plan for each individual child.
Some of the children in our care have learning disabilities or behavioral issues that prevent them from finding success at home and at school. We tailor our treatment to each child’s individual circumstance. Treatment is then implemented through specialized programs, both at school and at home.
In addition, we offer a unique opportunity for families and children to work together as a team to make a transition into therapeutic foster care or a family member’s home.